Sunday, June 28, 2015

New Photo- Before Transfer and Pregnancy

I wanted to post an updated photo before transfer with my belly showing of course I am a little fluffy around the mid-section with no definition lol but delivering six (6) kids will do that to you.

Transfer Day is Drawing Near

I am updating we are back on track and I am praying every day for smooth sailing after so many disappointments we have a date I have been on Lupron for the past 2 weeks and am scheduled to start estrace pills next Wednesday. I am cautiously optimistic.

I am making plans for T-Day


When I originally started this post that was where we were in the journey since then The law for Marriage Equality was passed. I sent my IF's a text with the LGBT flag that said Love wins and got a lovely text EQUALITY FOR ALL!!. I started my estrace pills and already went for my baseline monitoring appointment where they measure my Uterine Lining and check to see that I am not ovulating which they do with a transvaginal ultrasound. Of course in true fashion my meds had not been ordered and I had to pick them up myself. I left the office with the assistant Nurse Kari promising to have the rest for my upcoming appointment which is tomorrow, by the way. I am Lupron, estrace, aspirin and prenatal vitamins I already have the sitter secured. LET THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN!!!